Alexander Wilkie: Predictive Rendering

Alexander Wilkie image

Alex Wilkie will kindly share his deep knowledge of predictive rendering. Alex is well known rigorous researcher, and a very good speaker. Do not miss the chance to learn about his recent advances in realistic rendering, presented at SIGGRAPH, EUROGRAPHICS, or EGSR. His talk takes place on Monday, May 19, 2pm, at E105.

Predictive Rendering – The Other Type of Realistic Computer Graphics

alexander-wilkie_predictive-renderingAbstract: This talk has two parts: in the first, we first discuss the basic differences between  mainstream computer graphics, and genuinely predictive image synthesis. In the second part, we give a brief overview of the application domains predictive rendering is useful for, the technological state of the art in this field, and the main research directions that are currently being investigated. This includes the specific topics that our group in Prague is working on now, and which directions will probably be upcoming research areas in the near term future.